登陸加拿大已經一個多月了。12月13號,應Tim主任牧師的邀請,我們拜訪了他的教會,Grandvalley community church,並且在那邊演講。Grandvalley也是加拿大宣道會的分會之一,也是布蘭頓華人宣道會的姐妹會。
這次的目的,是為了讓他的會友多認識我們,我們的背景、介紹台灣,我們來的目的,還有我們的願景。Tim牧師知道,加拿大人很富有,而且物質上生活相當的豐裕,很多人已經把焦點放在自已的舒適生活上面,很容易地遺忘世界上有很多人需要幫助,就像是我們還有這一批來自國外的新移民一樣。Tim 希望透過這次的介紹我們,能夠激起更多人關於”付出”、”給予”的熱情,並且透過貢獻來認識上帝。
1. Introductions
My name is Sharon, my husband Daniel and I , we come from Taiwan. We have been here for 6 weeks already.
I was a teacher in Taiwan , and I taught children English as a second language for many years.
2. Sharon
a. How did you come to Brandon?
When I first heard about Brandon 13 months ago , I couldn’t get too much information about this city on internet, except the website of Brandon University. At that time, Daniel was trying to have a chance to be Canada, to work or to apply his theology PHD in Toronto University.
It was a tough year. Daniel had made his mind to go somewhere else away from his own country, which I didn’t understand why , but I didn’t want to leave my family, my friend , and my students, and my comfort zone. It was a upset situation, because we just like a ship with 2 captains and 2 different directions.
After 2 times of interview in Taiwan, we spent 2 weeks in the end of August to be here and in Winnipeg, to have the final interview with the supervisor of the Alliance Church. At that time, I decided to follow God and my husband’s decision , even though I didn’t know what it will be . I did that for 3 reasons:
1. God gave me a message about this journey. I realized God never promised that it will be easy but he promised that it will be worthy. I know that God is much bigger than me, so that it’s always good to follow his will more than try to figure ways out by myself.
2. I understand that Daniel was being called to be a pastor and a prophet of nations long time ago, as a wife, I will glad to see my husband to fulfill his calling.
3. I understand that family is so important to me, I cherish my own family more than others. I know that when the time comes, in the end of my live, and I look back , I won’t be satisfied if I were successful only in work and finance but not in my marriage and family. So I will support my husband and maintain my marriage by going the same direction.
b. What does it me to be “new” in a country, community or culture?
New means great opportunity to start over, but also means great challenge.
As a newcomer , I realized that how tough live could be in the beginning. We don’t have a vehicle, we don’t know any directions, we had no experience of living in North American and have a new live in a different country. Without any help, we are just vulnerable as a baby.
I also realized how much we are blessed, we had a good host family to support us and many resource from church. I know that not many new immigrations are as lucky as we are, that’s we are here for, to be a bridge of different cultures.
Give up many things to be here. We invited to a Chinese couple’s home to have supper there, than I found that they have to borrow pans to cook for us. I couldn’t help out because the wife has only one knife for cooking everything. The house is so empty with no furniture, the kid has no toys to play but only the stone and wood outside and the husband have to work overtime almost everyday to support the finance of family.
Now I understand what the saying means, it said : I always complaint about I have no shoes to wear , until one day I saw someone has no feet.
c. What do you hope others can learn from your journey?
Compassion. This is what I learned from this journey.
You never know how much you can help, by giving your time , and support. Live can be really different, when we care enough. We are here to be the bridge of different cultures , and you can be the one to make things different. And I believe that will benefit both sides.
3. Daniel
a. What is it that you dream of by being used of God?
b. What do you see as the needs in the Chinese community, both physically and spiritually?
c. What are you doing to see your dreams that God has given you to come true?
4. Conclusion
a. Invitation to partner
Prayer for the church and Tiens
Sharon LP41,本名黃慧真
2005年開始學習圍棋。並且投入幼兒、兒童圍棋教學及品格教育推廣。2008年得到中華民國圍棋協會 初段及教師證書。2004年起,正式透過網路及合作專案,成為以影音、藝術、寫作為媒材,以教學為為平台來影響及傳播的教育工作者。目前有經營著不同題材共八個部落格,文章累積二仟餘篇。