Would you take a look at these after my editing and make sure everything’s okay with you? Thanks so much for doing this – I loved you answers and thanks for sharing your specific prayer requests!!
1. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? I always like to learn and gain wisdom from other pastors' wives that I know and meet wherever I go. The most common response is “Just be yourself.” One out of three have told me that! As a non-traditional Hakka girl, I have traveled and immigrated to different countries, which is very unnatural for my people group. As far as I know I'm also not a stereotypical pastor's wife, so I think that’s the advice I needed at that time. God called me, trained me, and created me for a reason, I don’t need to be anyone else.
2. What is your favorite “app” on your phone and why? I can list a bunch of apps that I use on a daily basis and it would be difficult to choose one from them. If I have to choose, then one app has really amazed me… Simply Piano. It has helped me learn to play the keyboard in two years from zero experience. I can confidently play some classical pieces and worship songs. I got this app because of my 2018 resolution and I am absolutely satisfied. I never thought it would be possible to learn piano this way…without spending a lot of money. Turns out that it was proven to me that with a lot of discipline and strong motivation, I can really learn an instrument, enjoy music, and surprise my husband with 120 bucks a year.
2.您手機上最喜歡的“應用程序”是什麼,為什麼?我可以列出我每天使用的一堆應用程序,很難從中選擇一個。如果我必須選擇,那麼一個應用程序真的讓我感到驚訝……Simply Piano。它幫助我從零開始的兩年中學習彈奏鍵盤。我可以放心演奏一些古典作品和崇拜歌曲。我因為我的2018年決議而獲得了此應用,我對此感到非常滿意。我從未想過有可能以這種方式學習鋼琴……而無需花費很多錢。事實證明,通過大量的紀律和強烈的動力,我可以每年真正學習一種樂器,欣賞音樂並使我的丈夫驚訝,每月只花十美元。
3. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? I am not quite familiar with western superhero figures because I didn't grow up in this culture, instead I was influenced by a Japanese cartoon. If I got to choose a superpower to have, I would like to have the bag of Doraemon, which can bring out all kinds of magical tools to help with my daily challenges. Especially now it would be useful to have the magic door that can just bring you to anywhere you want… this would be so practical for international traveling in Covid19 era without quarantine requirements, wouldn't it?
4. What is your favorite breakfast food? Fresh made soymilk, eggs, and cold-brew coffee with the right amount of milk, delivered to my bedside with a morning kiss, which my husband has mastered over the last 5 years. All of this bundled together - no room for negotiation!
5. Name something that’s on your bucket list. I wish to convert a high top van and travel in it with my cats. I'm trying very hard to get my husband on board so that he will be the one to do the needed jobs and also pay for it, and I will just do the praying and encouragement part. The project can be useful now with a lot of public restrooms unsafe or closed…and restaurants with only take out options available. If we need to have more trips across North America, this probably will be the way to go.
- 5.說一個妳願望清單裡的內容。我希望改裝一輛高頂麵包車,和我的貓一起旅行。我非常努力地讓我的丈夫加入公司,以便他將成為從事所需工作並為此付出代價的人,而我將只做祈禱和鼓勵。現在,由於許多公共洗手間不安全或關閉,該項目可能非常有用……而且只有外賣選項的餐廳也可以使用。如果我們需要在北美地區進行更多旅行,這可能是要走的路。
6. Share with us a verse or passage of Scripture that has meant a lot to you recently and tell us why. 2 Timothy 2:1-2: "You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." There are different levels about this scripture. First to be strong myself and then teach faithfully. Further more, pass on the faith to others who can pass on the truth. This has been a great challenge for me, when I try to be faithful in ministry that has been entrusted to me. I try so hard so as not to be discouraged and keep going. Disciple making is not a easy job at all.
7. What can the Encouragement Team be praying for you this month?
1. Pray for the newly launched Taiwan mission plan of EFCA's Reach-Global Asia. Ask God to help strengthen the connection of manpower, provide workers and resources, and bring clear vision and strategies to achieve His will for Taiwan. Pray that we will understand our role and function in it and how we can participate. I also ask God to help Brother Ye Ruoming to carry out his trip to Taiwan smoothly and find God's plan to equip and use him.
為EFCA的Reach-Global 亞洲區將要開展的台灣宣教計劃禱告,求神幫助強化連結人手、提供工人以及資源,帶下清楚的異象及策略來成就你自己在台灣的旨意。也幫助我們夫妻明白自己在當中的角色功能,可以如何參與。也求神幫助葉若明弟兄順利開展台灣之行,找到神預計裝備、使用他的計劃。
2. Pray for us and our brothers and sisters to have an attitude of reverence and obedience, willingness to respond, and obedient eagerness during Bible reading and spiritual practice. May God remove all the obstacles of brothers and sisters from getting close to God, and help us take a deep root in God's word and be more fruitful. Pray that God will protect and lead our group leaders to serve God in a humble, down-to-earth manner and lead by example, and to help the spiritual plan designed by the spiritual co-workers to perform their practical functions to encourage our brothers and sisters to develop disciplined spiritual habits. "May the glory of the Lord our God be upon us. May you stand up for the work our hands do; may you stand up for the work our hands do." Psalm 90:17. 為我自己還有弟兄姊妹在讀經靈修操練時有一顆敬畏順服、樂意回應及聽從的渴慕態度禱告。願神挪去一切弟兄姊妹親近神的攔阻,幫助我們在上帝的話語中深深扎根、多結果子。養成堅定的讀經習慣及良好紀律,求神保守帶領我們的小組長能夠謙卑腳踏實地以身作則的事奉神,幫助雁群飛能夠發揮神所設計創建的初衷和功能。「願主-我們神的榮美歸於我們身上。 願你堅立我們手所做的工; 我們手所做的工,願你堅立。」詩篇 90:17 。
3. Pray for our brothers and sisters to develop the habit and mentality be willing to bear witness to God. Pray for God to help us have such an atmosphere in the church. First, we can transform our own quality of life through the truth, so that we can be confident and unwavering in the days of crisis and uncertainty, and express the image of the life of Christ Jesus, so that people around us will be curious and ask. We then would be ready to answer everyone, sharing our hope of faith. Pray that everyone would be a missionary, beginning with influencing one's family, circle of friends, and people around them. May God give me wisdom in tongue to witness of Him through the Far-East broadcasting interview (You tube channel) and that I would be used by God as a great vessel to glorify Him and reach unsaved souls.