我現在所屬的教會First E free擁有非常成熟的婦女事工,包括師母關懷團隊。我相信這樣的事工帶出相當程度的牧者留任的穩定度,在這個超過一仟多人,全職半職牧者同工超過二、三十位的大教會,是很重要的事情。能夠透過有效的辨法來在良好基督文化下建立信任,並且了解關懷彼此,互相了解、代禱支持是十分需要智慧的。這個月的郵件採訪重點是我和另一位剛來的年輕師母,這是我自已這部份的回答,紀錄在下面!
May's Highlight: Thanks to Sharon Tien for sharing with us!
1. Where do you get your news? And on a scale from 1 to 10, where do you fall on the “news-junkie” scale, with #1 being “I rarely am interested in gathering news of any kind” to #10 “I can’t ever seem to get enough.” I get the news mostly from Facebook or from the church staff, when they ask about something that was in the news. Pastor Dick asked Daniel recently about the earthquake in Taiwan. I thought, “Was there one, really?” So, I will have to say my answer is #1!
2. If you owned a store, what would you sell and why? It’s a tough question for me as I have no desire to run any kind of business or own a store. If there must be one, it would be an online 24 hour bookstore. English books already have a good system to get everything, not only paper published but also the copyright on Kindle, but not Chinese books. With this service I could reduce my bookshelf to a very tiny weight and easier to move. Right now we have more than 2000 books in the house! I could run it from anywhere without a lot of maintenance. That would be the most ideal situation!
3. What would be your perfect job (that you would get paid for)? I’d like to do what I’m doing and get paid for, which is to be a helper to my husband and the church. Another choice is to be a writer. By publishing books, I would get to share the love of Christ with others through testimonies of what it looks like to have adventures on our journey as we walk with God. I know I will be involved in something like this, I believe that it’s just a matter of timing!
4. If you could meet a Biblical character today, who would that be and why? Enoch. I would like to know and interview him about his first-hand experiences and the tips he could share about how to walk with God faithfully. It’s obvious that God was pleased with him but there is so little information about him in the Bible. I would like to end well like him or like the prophet Samuel.
5. What passage of Scripture has God been using in your life recently? Luke 17:5: “The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” I am like Thomas. I need to touch, feel and see the miracles with my own eyes and hands to know it’s true. Although I have little faith, I know that my Lord is merciful.
6. Is there anything specific the Encouragement Team can be praying for you this month?
-Clear guidance, wisdom and faith to make all kinds of decisions that are piling up; healthy and God-fearing offspring; strong and healthy marriage; unity between co-workers; unity between English and Chinese congregations to be on the same Ministry Map.