

Daniel Yeremin project. 2020一月一日第一次會面,建立共識


2019的年底,有一次我有一天終於忍不住在主日之後問他一個問題 :我敢可以怎麼幫助你呢? 你有興趣開始一週一次的語言及文化課嗎? 他一開始因為不相信會有這樣的好事會發生,所以沒有敢立刻答應。但在幾週後,他又跑回來問我: 妳上次的提議,仍然有效嗎??

對他而言,他只是想要順服神的心意和帶領。對我而言,我知道一個對中國有興趣,又有宣教心志的年輕人來到中文堂,又連續待了好幾個月,這簡直不可能是意外。我有責任,要問神祂的心意是什麼,而我,可以怎麼樣使上帝的心意得滿足呢?? 這就是這個奇妙旅程的開始。

透過紀碌下來,我很快就發現,這其實是上帝親自的帶領,也許是為了要幫助我學習和經歷,要如何從搖籃當中培養出未來的宣教士,並且成為他們將來在宣教的前線,最好的支持與幫助。我很期待這個旅程將會帶領我們到那裡去! 非常拭目以待!!!

Too good to be true? 

  1. God brings people and resources to the need, as long as we are faithful. 
  2. Always throw me a ball to catch, train me like a dog. 
  3. Why take my offer? 


Daniel’s goal: 

  1. Get started 
  2. Basic conversation 
  3. Scriptures in Chinese. 


Why? !

  1. Trying to be faithful and be ready for God’s guidance. 
  2. A heart for ministry and mission, oversea in China probably. 
  3. Transition, decisions to be made. 


Sharon’s goal: 

  1. Be the vessel of blessing to others. 
  2. Find out what God’s heart and try the best to full-fill it. 
  3. Take advantage of my skills and experience with my trainings and brush them up. 
  4. Want to experience ad be lead by guidance of the Holy Spirit and be the testimony to glorify Christ by obedience. And be amazed by the journey. 
  5. Paying forward to love and assistance I have received along the way.


Friendship, bonding, backup support for possible future ministry. Take advantage of WeChat ministry environment and encourage each other. 



  1. Enjoyable makes it sustainable. 
  2. Self-responsibly learning style. Be adults, no slavery master needed. 
  3. 20% language practice , 20%Life  topic talks, 60 % culture exploration includes food experience. 
  4. Fun, creative, encouraging and out of box thinking. 
  5. Take advantage of popular YouTubers. Topic talks and their own immigration experience and put language use into real situations ,make them useable and vividly. 
  6. Provide an encouraging environment, stage and opportunities to practice and be supported as a team. 


  1. Culture exploration, language learning, life talk, and food experience. 
  2. Learning scriptures: put into devotional group? 
  3. Share introduction and testimony in reunion. 
  4. Scriptures puzzles with magnets. 
  5. Confused Africa/China guidance? My puzzled Vancouver /Africa / United’s guidance,too. 


  1. Preview video for next talk and find out those reputed words. 
  2. Memorize scripture of the week and read into first me then  WeChat groups. 
  3. Get ready for personal introduction and testimony along the way, from simple to complex, add on gradually. 


To do’s:

  • Africa magnet. 
  • 夢田 
  • Consent on sharing on Facebook and co-writer the journey. 
  • Scriptures puzzles. 
  • 要選哪一文字來學?簡體還是繁體?
  • 台灣YouTube?大陸YouTube?要學用哪一種的用語?
  • Working Towards on 自我介紹、見證、經文、敬拜歌。
  • 正常講話,你用英文,我用中文。
  • 剪十字架說福音、學中文



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