這份採訪紀錄是我在2017年的專案計劃(Wichita華語教會成立歷史與傳承影音 )中一部份。道森長老在推動年立威啟達華語教會有一份影響力和功勞,他們夫妻對主的愛和對福音的負擔,是我們的好榜樣。為了更好的紀錄歷史並且保留原始的資料,我們約了時間做了以下的採訪。以下是採訪的細節,用英文寫成。
January 7, 2018
Hi Ray, thank you for willing to have this interview and talk about the Wichita Chinese church history and how you involved in it. Here are some questions:
1. Please introduce yourself and what you have been involved in the First E free?
A. My name is Ray Dorsett. My wife’s name is Kulsum Dorsett. We have been married for 43 years. Kulsum is Asian Indian, raised in Kenya where we met.
B. We have been involved with First Free since 1977. It continues to be our rich privilege to be a small part of what God has been doing in and through this congregation for over 40 years; adult Bible teacher, Elder, Strategic Planning, Missions Committee, Nominating Committee, pastoral search committees, capital campaign, nursery, meals, etc.
C. We raised our two children in this church; rather I should say, through the great giftedness of the Body of Christ, our children were raised in this church. From their first days, they were involved in nursery, AWANA, Bible studies and the Youth group. As their parents, we had the primary privilege and responsibility, but many individuals and families contributed to their growth in faith and character.
D. At this point, we have one seven month old grand-daughter. Bryn Ellen. She and her parents live in Dallas, Texas. Our son lives in Wichita with his wife.
E. We are retired from a 40-year profession in film, television and other media production and distribution, but still very actively involved in international ministries.
2. How did get involved in the process of the starting of the Chinese church?
A. First, I should say, the World has always been on God’s heart; people from every tribe and nation gathered around Jesus, the Lamb of God, in heaven. For God so loved “the world” that He sent Jesus to be our Savior; for God so loves “the world” that He pours out the riches of His grace on all people(“from the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another”, John 1:16); for God so loves “the world” that He is actively doing exceeding abundantly more than all that we can ask or think in every nation of the world. So, to make it very clear, God Almighty is the One who took the initiative to start, enable, draw and sustain the ministry to the Chinese; the Chinese Church at First Evangelical Free. He is the One causing the Chinese church to grow.
B. Jesus gave us a clear example of the importance of crossing cultural, language, socio economic and physical barriers. He befriended and loved “the least of these”, poor, hungry, sick and broken people. He befriended Simon the leper and even despised Samaritans (despised by the Jews). He served a Roman Centurion. He enlisted tax collectors and poor fishermen to be Apostles, leaders and servants. He had dinner with those trapped in addictions.
C. So; the vision is His; the eternal initiative is from Him; the gifting is from Him. We are blessed to be a part of His love and outreach to people from every tribe and nation, but we have been involved with Chinese friends for over 45 years.
D. I was raised in a family which loved and embraced international students from around the world; no matter what race, country or religion.
E. Our marriage is cross cultural; different races, countries, languages, etc. It hasn’t always been easy as many have questioned such relationships or unions.
F. It continues to be our rich privilege to have friends from many parts of the world.
G. Our direct involvement with Chinese people began in 1970. My parents, who lived one block from Wichita State University, had befriended a 19-year-old international student on the campus, Richard Wong. Richard, an aeronautical engineering student, was from Shanghai. My parents asked Richard if he would like to travel to Western Kansas to have Thanksgiving Dinner with my grandparents and the rest of the family. That started what now has become a 47-year relationship.
H. After returning from Africa, in 1975, Kulsum and I asked Richard and Anita Wong if they would like to join us in a small group Bible Study of 6 people. For five years we studied, memorized and meditated on God’s Word. We shared life, together. Our homes were only a few blocks apart. We were in each in each others’ weddings; were together for the birth of their and our children. We shared Christ with people of various cultures and saw numerous people come to Christ. Together, we had an international students Bible study.
I. Kulsum and I, and Richard and Anita, were very actively involved in First Evangelical Free Church beginning in 1978. Jim and Arlene Lew, Ken and Molly Ho, and Wayne and Anita Key were leaders in the church during that time. They encouraged all of us in our personal ministries. Richard and Anita were early leaders in the Friday night Chinese fellowship which grew through the years. Of course, there were others who served and lead, too, like Lop Hing and Dawn Ho.
J. Through my involvement with the Elder Board of FEFC, and the leadership of Pastor Dick High and Elder Jim Gustafson, we encouraged the co-workers to stay at FEFC and encouraged the church to fund and call our first Chinese Pastor, John Ni. It was my privilege to work with the co-worker leadership in the pastoral search for Pastor Ni.
K. By God’s grace, and the giftedness and service of many, the Chinese Church at First Evangelical has grown and continues to grow, to the glory of God.
3. Your blessings, encouragement and reminders to Chinese church congregation.
A. Don’t Build Another Great Wall of China. As I mentioned earlier, the Church of Jesus Christ is composed of people from “every tribe and nation”. These are people with whom we will spend all of eternity. In John 17, in His great High Priestly prayer before His crucifixion and resurrection, He prayed for the “unity of the body”. In my mind, unity doesn’t just mean an absence of conflict, but rather, intentionality and depth of relationships with all people; cross culture; age; socio economic; different countries, etc. This is the kind of relationship that validates our faith and causes the world to be interested. ask. Jesus intentionally crossed all kinds of boundaries in His ministry though it often made others uncomfortable. Richard and Anita Wong, in the 25 years they were in the church, were high involved with the whole church. Richard was a trustee; he and Anita were Awana leaders for decades. Their boys both achieved the Timothy Award. They were highly respected because they sought fellowship with many different people within the church.
B. Take Advantage of great natural relationship in Wichita, the United States and Around the World. Of course, because of language and culture, you have natural opportunities to engage Chinese people here and around the world; but, as said previously, don’t limit yourself. I do agree with Pastor Daniel, as students are most often in transition, it does make good sense to build the core of the church around families, but not exclusively.
C. Recognize and Appreciate the Seed that has been Planted Around the World, and give Thanks. At the same time, many who have been part of the Chinese Church in Wichita have gone on to greatly advance the Body of Christ, beyond. Certainly, there would be students, but also others. Robert and Nesa Wu, who came to Christ in the Wichita Chinese Fellowship and our international Bible Study moved to Austin, Texas over 30 years ago. They and their children have been very actively in leadership in the Chinese Church in Austin. Phillip and Nancy Chow and their family, moved to Mesa, Arizona in the early 1980s and have been active servant leaders in that Chinese Church, since. Phillip has actually passed into heaven. Richard and Anita Wong are strong and active leaders in the Evangelical Chinese Church of Seattle.
D. Unleash the Church
1. Understand that all of those in the body are to be involved in “full-time ministry”; whether it is within the church; in each person’s neighborhood or place of work. There are hundreds of thousands of hours annually which can be employed for the Kingdom.
2. You have thousands of relationships in China, Taiwan and other places that could be used to advance the Kingdom around the world.
3. Believe that God is not only able to do far beyond what we could ever imagine, He is actively doing these things and more. Find out where God is powerfully at work among the Chinese around the world and get involved; stimulate true “world vision”.
4. Always remember to recognize that we are utterly and totally dependent upon God and give thanks for the blessings upon blessings we continuously receive. (John 1:16)
THANK You , Ray, for this interview and your blessing words, May God bless you!