Dear Elders and Pasters in Canada:
Thank you very much for your help and praying for us when we were in Canada, and still praying for us now.
The reason why I write to you all , I want to share with you the situation we are now(in Taiwan), and hope that my information can assist you to consider the ministry working plans , when we arrive in Canada.
Honestly, I am worried about Daniel , and his health. Because Daniel booked the tickets back to Canada on the27th of Sep, there is not much time for us to pack our packages and to arrange so many things , to say good bye to family and friends.(The schedule may be unperfect on our body and mind, but better for our finance..)
Packing is already a big challenge, plus our biological clock are still confused , and because the nervous of change , we both didn’t sleep enough these days . With tired bodies and so much things to do, we both like two dangerous bombs and may be triggered at any moment, only this week , Daniel lost his temper for over 3 times (as you can see, he is a very nicely and patiently person ) and quarrel with me.
As for me, I totally forgot my teaching schedule in school on Monday (my students were waiting for me in classroom , wondering why their teacher was not there on time, which was never happened before. ).
Furthermore, my younger sister was sick .She got fever for several days and has inflammation in her body (she has pregnancy for 26 weeks ) and was in hospital since 12th of September. Because I live near her hospital,and my mother live in different city , so I spent some time taking care of her these days. Poor Daniel, so that most all the loading of moving jobs are on his shoulders.
In order to save more money, we don’t hire moving company to move for us, we use the post office boxes to to consign for shipment and we have to estimate all box at home first for precisely 20kg each , and Daniel hold every box up and down so many times , that is really a exhausting job~!
Two days ago, when my mother and my elder sister cooked for us to have a farewell dinner, Daniel was too tired and fall into sleep on the sofa immediately and almost sleep all the way night, while other people were chatting after dinner .
Please, pray for us , dear Pastors and elders , we do really need help. Maybe pastor 魏 or Pastor 陳 can phone Daniel to support him with your encouraging words. His personality of making everything perfect and concern too much detail can almost drive me crazy. We really need time to slow down and to recover for few days (after we arrive Winnpeg, of course ). After this terrible moving experience, I believe that the couple camp in Winnpeg will be necessary and really important for us to heal our marriage.
By the way , sorry for my poor English , I have tried my really best.
With blessing